Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thomas Wooldridge in your face affiliate spammer

I was utilizing Google Buzz's new search feature and who did i find but Thomas Wooldridge, Mr "internet marketing coach" who spams every social site he can get his hands on. Now Thomas Wooldridge, well I question whether that's really his name, because Mr scum is an affiliate who continually uses "web 2.0" to spam people with his discoveries. Today its his digital keychains, which is timed very well considering the spiffy site he's installed since registering the domain last month.
You can report him by using the report link here
And it's not isolated to Google Buzz, just so you know. It's that I saw him here and while GB is still growing, I want to make an example out of him and how his kind ruins it for others who want to enjoy these social sites.

Apparently his new sales pitch of the moment is Digital Keychains,
Up today is his digital keychains, dozens of finds for digital keychains, all spun around with tinyurls and different links that all lead to his website where you can legitimately click and then he gets paid by

That's what these jerks do, spam spam spam. Well here is his information on his business, one of his many man domains. He's allowed to continue to spam by the affiliate programs he signs up with, namely EBAY. Because ebay THRIVES on gawker traffic and clicks. If you have spotted him or one of his websites, just do a comment and let me know. I'll send it all to his Attorney General and the FBI. SKUse me, but I'm not gonna put up with it. I've got form letters and a fax. Keep it up!

What Google Buzz can do is pretty amazing. They can actually shut down these types of spam. With a single report button, Google would know and if they chose, they could put him on their watch list and literally block him from ever showing up on GB or his site from showing up. How's that for technology. Its called PROGRESS

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